Thursday, March 29, 2012

Best Find Evah!!!

So today I decided to take a trip to a salvage and resale shop near my house and I am oh so happy that I did. The shop itself is this crazy building with room after room attached to it to make it bigger. The front of the shop is all the good antique type stuff. Nice looking furniture, stained glass windows, china and such, then you go back a room and there is old glass bottles, appliances, linens, dishes and knick knacks. Go back another room and you have a weird hall thing that has picture frames, suitcases and vacuums. Back further still is the lamp room. Then at the very back are 3 rooms full of furniture and mattresses and that is where I found the awesomeness that I found...

I'm always on the lookout for cute furniture I can redo so my eyes are always open in these areas. They have lots of ugly mismatched chairs, which lets face it, are kind of cool. So I'm looking through the chairs and see some that I think would go well with my current dining set. I pull it out and OMG! It actually does go to my dining set! They had two chairs in almost perfect condition, $60 for the pair. Those chairs were $90 apiece when we bought our dining set 6 years ago so we never bought the extras. At Christmas time when our leaf goes in the table we have always used folding chairs. Now I have the perfect match. I called Randy up and he said to get them. I think he is a little excited about them too.

Here is a picture of a new and old chair...

Chair on the left is my old chair, nice and dirty and ugly since its one of the chairs the boys use when they eat and those kids cannot keep the food on their plates or in their mouths. The chair on the right is one from the salvage shop. So perfect!
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